Monday 23 February 2009

Medical Sales Jobs

One of the more interesting specialties in medical sales is pediatrics involving doctors who treat children. The pediatrics medical specialty involves a fair number of over the counter (OTC) non-prescription products in addition to the usual prescription drugs. Some pharmaceutical firms deal only with OTC products in this specialty including those with baby formulas. This may be a feasible entry route for newcomers to medical sales since the pediatrics field is so OTC intensive.
The OTC business is generally very sample intensive so medical sales representatives working in this particular area will be expected to deal with huge supplies of free samples for the medical clinics on a daily basis. One thing to be forewarned especially for pediatrics is that because of the nature of the baby formula samples in canned formats, there could be some moderate lifting required. Medical sales representatives routinely carry cases of canned baby formulas around for the pediatric clinics.
Cough and cold syrups as well as skin creams are also common products in pediatrics. Since many kids can’t swallow tablets, pharmaceutical companies develop many pediatric drugs in syrup formats. This often results in free samples in small bottle formats which of course will be heavier to carry around for the medical rep than samples in pill forms.
The field itself is a good one to work in because I have found in my experience working with pediatricians, they are generally a nice group of physicians to deal with. They are usually more relaxed than other certain types of doctors. Perhaps this is because pediatricians have to deal with kids all day so a certain playful personality is probably required for this specialty. This works well with medical sales representatives who call on this group of doctors.
Like other medical specialty sales territories, pediatric territories will likely be larger than the average family medicine territory in terms of geography since there are fewer pediatricians per community compared to family doctors. Family physicians seeing a lot of kids will probably also be included in the target group. Because of larger geographic territories, medical sales reps working in pediatrics will likely have to travel more compared to the average drug rep working only with family physicians.
Overall, pediatrics is a good specialty to work in for many medical sales representatives. It is also a possible entry point for those who are hoping to get a medical sales position for the first time.

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